The article on p194 about Ryan Trecartin appears in error.
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The colours are like peanut M&M’s and you have to climb a swimming pool ladder to get up onto the sofa, but that’s all right. It’s better than B&Q. Living in B&Q was like living at Happy Harold’s.
I had a wife and I was immersed in her. The sounds and the smells of her were real. Back then I thought I was immersed.
But I was the opposite. I was outside of everything.
Then I visited Ryan’s immersive art show and immersed myself in it.
It was consumer uncanny.
I began to live in Ryan’s immersive art installation.
Then Ryan found out. He found out how much I like to be immersed.
Sometimes it’s not good for people to know what you enjoy.
It gives them power over you.
Now I’m part of it.
I walk the streets and speak to people.
I immerse them.
I belong to Ryan.
But that’s OK. I just don’t like it when he makes me fight for money.
Ryan said that if I was ever bored in the installation I should jack my mind directly into the furiously pulsating heart of the internet.
But I couldn’t be bothered.
The article on p194 about Ryan Trecartin appears in error.
Please replace with the article below.
The colours are like peanut M&M’s and you have to climb a swimming pool ladder to get up onto the sofa, but that’s all right. It’s better than B&Q. Living in B&Q was like living at Happy Harold’s.
I had a wife and I was immersed in her. The sounds and the smells of her were real. Back then I thought I was immersed.
But I was the opposite. I was outside of everything.
Then I visited Ryan’s immersive art show and immersed myself in it.
It was consumer uncanny.
I began to live in Ryan’s immersive art installation.
Then Ryan found out. He found out how much I like to be immersed.
Sometimes it’s not good for people to know what you enjoy.
It gives them power over you.
Now I’m part of it.
I walk the streets and speak to people.
I immerse them.
I belong to Ryan.
But that’s OK. I just don’t like it when he makes me fight for money.
Ryan said that if I was ever bored in the installation I should jack my mind directly into the furiously pulsating heart of the internet.
But I couldn’t be bothered.